torsdag 16. januar 2020

Lubuntu remote desktop - text is very small!

When rdp-connecting to a computer running Ubuntu with the Lubuntu desktop, you might find that texts and menus are microscopic.
This is due to the screen resolution of your local laptop.

To solve your problem, try to navigate to the following menu item:
Preferences > LXQt Settings > Appearance

Select the "Font" section (third icon from the top) and increase the "Point size" to whatever you feel is sufficient.
In my case I have increased it to 14.

lørdag 27. oktober 2018

Add command prompt to Visual Studio 2017

You can add a developer command prompt to Visual Studio 2017 like this:
  1. Go to the menu item Tools > External Tools...
  2. Fill in the dialog:
    - Title: Command prompt
    - Command: %comspec%
    - Arguments: Here you should adjust the path according to your version of VS2017.
    For Visual Studio 2017 Community:
    /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"
    For Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise:
    /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"
    - Initial directory: Choose "Project Directory" from side menu.
  3. Your command prompt is ready to use from Tools > Command prompt